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THREATENED (by pending new logging rules) Huge old growth, and... ...Deep, deep forest ... some of the last remaining old-growth stands of cedar, spruce, and hemlock on Earth. Why? So that ancient timber can be harvested by the lumber industry. It will be sawn into immaculate, knot free, straight-grained, super expensive boards and beams. Where will they be used? Super expensive mansions and commercial buildings, of course. The profit from this process (super, of course) ? Nearly all will go to the executives and stockholders of the large timber companies. I t's a twofer ! We can do irreparable damage to one of the last great temperate forests AND worsen the wealth disparities in the world. Can't get much worse than that, IMHO. This is all happening at The 17-million-acre Tongass National Forest, located along the coast of southeastern Alaska....WAY UP THERE WHERE SONNY PERDUE (and our Prez) THINK WE WON'T NOTICE. (Snarf, snarf) Th...