The HUGE Three If you're just sit around picking your toes -- or listening to right-wing radio - you might think nothing is happening in scientific progress. Truth is (ah, truth, facts, actualities!), there is an astonishing acceleration in new discoveries, breakthroughs and invention. I've picked my fav three, and they are so big I call 'em HUGE. These are going to affect us all. Big time. But take any random sample of the population of us U.S.-ers, and you will find darn few aware of even one of them, much less all three. Why is that? Simple. The less simple, the less likely the 'mainstream media' is to cover it. Methinks: Pix credit: Duffer's flying pencil [Thus my snide comment about right-wing talk radio, home base for simplistic. "Nuanced" is their word for anything smacking of complexity. The huge, complex set of information that spells out "global warming" becomes a "hoax." (Interpretati...