
Showing posts with the label Gemini

A Non-Political Post!

  Time for a Senolytics Update * In 2011 , scientists from the Kogod Center on Aging (part of Mayo) published research that was named a "Top 10" discovery by the journal Science. The findings, which were published in the journal Nature, proved the role of senescent cells in the aging process.  I may have seen that in 2011, but I can’t be sure. But in 2017 I got all giddy over the discoveries about senescent cells and the experimental therapies to reduce their negative impacts on health among us aging types.   (Search "senolytics" on this blog to see many giddy posts.) HEADLINE: Over the Last Five Years Progress Has Been Steady In the mad rush to find a key to the money vault that awaits successful anti-aging or healthspan extending substances, the scientists turning start-ups and the big established labs working on senolytics that will sell, are specializing in those senescent cells that cause or boost specific diseases. (The FDA doesn't treat aging as a diseas...

Uh Oh

  All Three Agree I keep three of the free AI chatbots on my desktop. If I have an important question I ask all three, using the same prompt. This time I indulged my low level anxiety about what's going on in Trumpville. I prompted: "What is the best historical situation in which a country goes through the kind of political conditions the U.S. is currently experiencing?" Lo and behold... CoPilot:    The Weimar Republic period in Germany (1918-1933) is a significant historical example that shares similarities with the current political conditions in the U.S. Gemini:   Several historical situations share similarities with the current political climate in the U.S., but one particularly apt example is the Weimar Republic in Germany (1918-1933) .   The Weimar Republic period in Germany (1918-1933) offers several relevant parallels. Each one elaborated, gave other cases and asked me if I wanted more.  Ask them yourself for the expanded versions, but ...