A Spark of Hope for Alzheimer's

See? I Told You to Bone Up on Senolytics [OK, this is more mouse research... but exciting!] Published Wednesday, 19 September in Nature Magazine ... one of the Super Journals (meaning they are as credible as they come, science-journal-wise), a paper based on research done at Mayo Clinic , a pretty good outfit. Published: 19 September 2018 Clearance of senescent glial cells prevents tau-dependent pathology and cognitive decline If you keep up on Alzheimer's research, you recognize "tau-dependent," and if you don't, you surely know about cognitive decline. That and memory loss are the heart-ripping Alzheimer's symptoms we'd all like to avoid. If You Are Interested in the Science Put your science hat on and take a look at the abstract (free) in Nature . Or read a (also free) layperson version. Here's a short one (written for Big Pharma money men). ...