
Showing posts with the label civic responsibility

The Bottom Line

Can't Put It Clearer Than This Study: $2 trillion needed for U.S. infrastructure. “Infrastructure should be part of the larger conversation about ‘what do you want government to do and how do you want to pay for it?’ ” said Jay Zukerman of Ernst & Young, which conducted the institute’s study. Great piece . And oh how I agree ! And how I answer the last part of the question. Read the whole thing here.


Only Dummies Believe in Free Rides National Debt Growing Huge Infrastructure Falling Apart Education Decaying Medical Bankruptcies Rampant Wars With No Civilian Sacrifice On and on and on and on and on...... Bad stuff, all that. So what do numbnuts do? Attack the IRS! Scream that taxes take "my money." So I'm screaming "take my money!" Tax me fairly. Use the money wisely. Don't let America slide into shambles. Paying our way is the American way. (P.S. as a retired person, I am reminded every day that those FICA taxes were the best money I - and my employers - ever spent.) And I want America to stay the world leader it should be. For that to happen, we all have to shoulder our share of the load. So TAX ME. pix credit

Wal-Mart - The Big Ugly (UPDATED)

Darn it, Wal-Mart... Come ON I've been grousing about (and resolutely not shopping at) Wal-Mart and Sam's Club for years, mainly for three reasons: (Put "allegedly" in all the legal places below - they don't like criticism.) 1. An early Wal-Mart store wiped out most of the local retailers in my small Texas home town. 2. Their treatment of suppliers has been vicious - becoming a small manufacturer's biggest client, then grinding down their prices by threatening to quit buying. Then - ultimately - taking their purchase of the product offshore, occasionally using the original U.S. supplier's design to define the outsourced product. 3. Their treatment of their own employees has been rough, too. Avoiding medical benefits by manipulating hours to keep a high percentage of their workers "part-time," thus ineligible, for instance. BUT THERE HAVE BEEN SOME "IMPROVEMENTS" Maybe. It's hard to know whether the better health care plan we...