Another A.I. Whizbanger

A two-paragraph AI summary of a four page draft. and a guess at the plot It was (sorta) spot on. Working on the sequel to Lucas 2.0, I'm sweating out a chapter that moves several currents of the story simultaneously, and I'm having a tough time of it. Purely for distraction (i.e. procrastination), I decided to put the current draft up for a little AI commentary; it might confirm I'm getting the points over I want to. I've read that's the way some writers are using AI. This little exercise was done with Copilot , MS Bing's version of ChatGPT 4. I uploaded the chapter and used this prompt: " This is a segment of a chapter in a sci-fi novel. Please give a two-paragraph summary and briefly take a crack at what the premise of the book might be." Speed reading's my thing. Co-Pilot read the chapter, thought about it long and hard, wrote the summary I requested, and did a considered speculation on what the rest of the book might be about. All that i...