Salvation of the Economy UP & RUNNING (Experimentally, of course) one small, rich, Colorado town. Telluride The Original Big, Simple, Winning Plan (Click to read) 1. Give EVERYBODY the antibody test for Covid-19. 2. Quarantine all positives. 3. Do comprehensive contact tracing. Quarantine all contacts. 4. Drop all social distancing for those with the "well and immune" antibody load. I.e. kickstart the economy back into life. ) A wise decision by a government entity? Nah... Its tests are being donated by Mei Mei Hu and Lou Reese, a married couple who live part of the year in the county seat of Telluride and are executives at United Biomedical, a biotech company that developed the test. Full article in Medium-Elemental I'd say this is THE plan! Scott Gottlieb, MD, former Food and Drug Administration commissioner under President Trump, and Ezekiel Emanuel, MD, PhD, one of the architects of the Affordable Care Act und...