We Don't Need No Stinkin' AI Regulations

Closing the Garage Door After the Ferrari Escaped "Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer is taking early steps toward legislation to regulate artificial intelligence technology:" Axios Solender and Gold Report I’m still gaga on the outbursting of AI chatbots. When I saw this, methought: Two things: About time! …and, Good luck with that! The genie is out of the bottle. It has proliferated already. It has all the signs of a god of chaos. Have I got some chaos for you. I’m still optimistic, irrational as that may be. We are still surviving The Bomb. Yuk, yuk. Rrrreg-u-late! Chuck Schumer is a smart guy, but he should be launching Senate investigations into how we are going to cope with the societal shocks AI has in store for us. When 100,000 law clerks lose their jobs, the news will probably punch through into Senate consciousness. When years of thousands of devout astronomy fans volunteering hours to Galaxy Zoo et al are surpassed a...