Professor Henry A. Giroux Knocks It Out of the Park in * SATURDAY, JUN 24, 2017 07:00 AM MDT Manufactured illiteracy and miseducation: A long process of decline led to President Donald Trump A deep-rooted crisis in education, and a long cultural and political decline, is what got us here. There's hope! HENRY A. GIROUX I am wholeheartedly recommending you read this article. It's a straight-up super piece of reality, a facing of facts, and a powerful call to action. Just what Doomsayers are supposed to do, get us off our duffs. Go read it at Salon ! A FEW HIGHLIGHTS. (Kind of like the briefing before the battle.) Cliffs notes of Prof Giroux's diagnostics on where the U.S. of A. is slipping off the tracks: -a plague of deep-seated civic illiteracy, a corrupt political system and a contempt for reason -the withering of civic attachments, the undoing of civic culture, the decline of public life and the erosion of any sense of shared ...