The Ignorant & The Credulous

Propaganda for the lame minded "ANWR Is Such an Ugly Piece of Wasteland There's No Reason Not To Let The Oil Companies Completely Screw It Up" So since the "Eco Nazis" misrepresent how ANWR really looks ( ugly! ) we should dismiss what they say about the environmental disaster drilling would cause and GET THOSE RIGS UP THERE PRONTO!! (And get our gasoline prices down, equally pronto.) That was the essence of the misleading, misquided piece o' drek that was forwarded to me. I looked at the pictures and read the idiotic text. My response: The coastal plains of ANWR: I never saw a more fragile, important ecosystem in my life. "Barren Wasteland" indeed. The author of that stupidity is obviously massively ignorant of anything about how nature works. Portraying the coastal plains of northern Alaska as "ugly" and not worth saving is exactly like saying the "Everglades are evil," and look what that got us. ANWR is one...