The Fat American Mystery - New Clues [Updated]

"High Fructose Corn Syrup"... Sound the Alarm! More on this later, but for now, digest this: "Our study shows for the first time the surprising speed with which humans make body fat from fructose. ...Once you start the process of fat synthesis from fructose, it's hard to slow it down." From an article by K.H. Shear This is from the September, 2008 "Center Times," a publication of The University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center at Dallas. Super credible. So read your labels. (Soft drinks, processed food, all that easy stuff.) Avoid fructose unless its actually in fruit. Save yourself. And your kids. And your friends. More to come. ... and here it is. If you don't check occasionally, you are missing a lot of news. For a summary of all the recent postings about articles on HFructoseCS. Check this . And check THIS. I paid $2.14 for a bottle of fat juice called "SoBe Black & Blue Berry Brew" which looked like a rea...