No Wonder Chinese Solar Panels Are Cheap!

Talk About Production Volume! Check out these vast Chinese solar farms. (Almost) As Far as the Eye Can See. "Cover the hills with solar panels:" Xi MASSIVE PRODUCTION: In2023, China installations of renewable energy included adding 216 gigawatts of solar capacity. 216 gigawatts added in one year are more than the total of all solar power in the United States. Whew! That's roughly 900 million (check my arithmetic) panels, manufactured annually in China, My favorite American solar manufacturer is Qcells . Their annual output is about 6 gigawatts. And that's 30% of the total American manufacturing capacity. In 2021, China's solar panel manufacturing capacity was estimated to be around 160 GW! Now that capacity and new sales barriers (tarriffs) plus murderous competitive urges have resulting in huge dumps at prices nobody can match. They've wiped out several western panal manufacturfers - thus the tarriffs.* ALL IN ON THE LONG HAUL I'm ...