Japan Beats Us - Again

First Cars, Now THIS! "The only existing superpower" certainly applies to a lot about America - particularly in the size (and expense) of our military. Alas, in more and more of the other important "super" subjects, specifically leadership in national ethics, human rights, the environment, public health and other "soft" issues, the U.S.A. has ceded leadership to other countries. Of all things, this: "Japan is by many measures the world’s most energy-frugal developed nation. After the energy crises of the 1970s, the country forced itself to conserve with government-mandated energy-efficiency targets and steep taxes on petroleum. Energy experts also credit a national consensus on the need to consume less." And they are going to make a fortune because of it. Japan Sees a Chance to Promote Its Energy-Frugal Ways A view through a window looking onto a commercial complex in Chiba, Japan, that uses transparent solar panels on window glass to gene...