Hate Mongrel

I know... LET'S HAVE A CIVIL WAR!! With, you know, guns and stuff. * Pamela Geller, Right Wing Howler Monkey In Breitbart, that ongoing tribute to the Trumpster Hard Core, Pamella Geller declares: The Coming Civil War She plays every card in the right wing meme machine. Typical of the hate-filled rant: "The left is evil, and they mean to destroy our way of life, our freedom and us. It took decades to norm their anti-Americanism, their hatred of freedom and individual rights, but they have reached their tipping point. And the long beaten and battered among us have had it." She wraps up with a clear call to action: "The deck is stacked against us. We must get off the defense." Like, get out your guns? DOES THIS KIND OF RABBLE ROUSING ACTUALLY RAISE THE RABBLE? Yep. For sure. Absolutely. Right wing ground is pre-plowed for hate seeds: Hate has, "I nfused right-wing politics beyond the gun lobby. 'Watering the t...