
Showing posts from January, 2015

Lost Faith in Forbes

Forbes Magazine was Just a Billionaire's Fan Boy …But I still thought they had some decent financial reporting, some telling investigations and a tendency to be tough when it counted.  That was their "image" in my wee brain for years.  I thought Steve Forbes was a rightist dweeb, but I didn't hold that against his magazine. (source) Then they hired "Smiley" James Taylor (here supporting Rick Perry) (senior fellow for environment policy at the Heartland Institute*)  to write blatant denialist pieces on climate change.  He's a slick trickster who writes pseudo-science with the total confidence of a con man selling you a pyramid scheme.  Here's an example: He reports on a NOAA study from 2013 about the relationship between extreme weather and global warming, and headlines it: NOAA Report Destroys Global Warming Link To Extreme Weather …cherry picking such paragraphs as this:  " Adding additional emphasis to the NOAA publication’s fin...

The Slo-Mo Trainwreck Continues

The World is Having an Extinction Event But We Live too Fast to See It. Permian Extinction - A quarter billion years ago.  75% of all Animal, 95% of all sea creatures and plants wiped out.  Took perhaps a two to three million years to happen.  The "big finish," the eruption of the Siberian Flats. [source] Even this  humongous catastrophe took maybe a million years to finish the kill off. Dinosaur Extinction - 66 million years ago.  All the dinos plus about half of plant life and sea creatures wiped out .  Took perhaps half a million years to happen.  The monster rock that hit Earth (Chicxulub Crater in the Gulf of Mexico), and some others, plus the Deccan Flats eruptions in India were the villains.                                                     [source]       [source] We ...