Now the Roach-ocalypse IN REVERSE

Mostly We Are Making Critters Go Extinct NOT WITH ROACHES, Just the Opposite. Cockroaches may soon be unstoppable—thanks to fast-evolving insecticide resistance What can I say? We are just tough mothers. It's just one (Fill in the Blank)-ocalypse after another. ---A million species are at risk , sayeth the U.N. ---The foundations of life - microbes - are at risk. ---Birds, beautiful BIRDS , are down by a third. --- Pollinators, critical to our food supply, are in real trouble --- Fugus that can kill is overcoming all anti-fungals. ---Climate-ocalypse, of course, is the Big One . But roaches? Those fecund facilitators of filth? Those radiation-proof critters destined to survive a nuclear war? They are getting tougher by the day. Almost impossible to kill with ANY chemicals. Don't take my sissy words for it, check out that ultimately credible source: Science Magazine. Some of us are beauty queens. ... Oh, and ebola i...