Truth Crusade, First Installment

So, Big Truth vs. Big Lie "Big Lies" are the bread and butter, the hard currency, the soul of propaganda. They so deviate from the truth that they elicit this response: "Man, that wouldn't say something that crazy unless it was true." Then to augment the outrageousness comes REPETITION, repetition, repetition... "Man, I hear that all the time. It must be true." Everybody - EVERYBODY - is capable of being propagandized. Some of us more, some less; our susceptibility distributed along a normal curve, like everything else. So a really good Big Lie propaganda campaign can convince a very large portion of the population it targets. For instance, one whole side of the normal curve. Or even almost everybody . Whenever I hear of a substantial number of folks who share a specific belief that defies logic or scientific findings, I suspect propaganda has worked. The anti-vaxers are a current example. Childhood jabs actually don't cause autism, but there is...