I'm Sure Everybody (but me) Knows

So Just How Infectious IS chicken pox? Can you catch chicken pox just by looking someone in the eye?* Will chicken pox seek you out and hunt you down like a dog?** Will chicken pox infect you if you are downwind half a mile?*** Whatever, it must be BAD. BECAUSE THE DELTA VARIANT IS "AS INFECTIOUS AS CHICKEN POX!!" Not to make light of the damn Delta variant... it's apparently terribly infectious. But to assume everybody knows how infectious chicken pox is -- then make that comparison hundreds of times without explaining just what it means -- seems berserk to me as a communication device. I'm an old guy with lots of memories about chicken pox pre-vaccine (1995, U.S. approval), but I really didn't know how infectious it is. So I Googled my brains out, and found this: (In english) The Delta variant is more transmissible than the viruses that cause MERS, SARS, Ebola, the common cold, the seasonal flu and smallpox, and it is as contagious as chickenpox, according to...