
Some Good News!

State Decision Blocks Drilling for Gas in Catskills The danger to the NYC water supply from " fracking " is greatly reduced. Common sense wins! Story in the NYTimes. "No Crude" Leaking from Sunken Oil Rig Coast Guard Commander Tells CBS No Signs of New Leakage Oh, that could have been the most terrifying and destructive spill yet. (And, hey, maybe it will raise the alarm level for all offshore drill-baby-drilling. Maybe.)

The "British Obama" Sells Banking Regulation

Heard About Nick Clegg? In a surprise bigger that Obama winning Iowa in the Democratic primary, this guy Clegg has shot onto the scene in Great Britain, suddenly taking his Liberal Democratic party from 16% to 34% in a week. Talk about a successful appearance on a debate! By the way, it was the first televised PM debate in British history. So I checked out some of his speeches on YouTube. Here's one that I find astonishingly appropriate to United States politics. It's about reforming the financial system. He is as on-the-money as I can imagine. See if you agree and at the same time, take a look at the "British Obama." Picture Credit

Source of The Healthcare Lies

Fox News Made Me Think It People who are "madder'n hell" over the health reform law are quick and copious with their inaccuracies. When honest Tea Partiers state an inaccuracy, you can bet they picked it up from a LIE. For instance, "Refuse the insurance mandate and GO TO JAIL." No surprise, perhaps, that the main perpetrator of health reform lies is Fox News. (And right wing magazines like The Freeman .) It gets really slimey when Fox News lies about lying. Bill O'Reilly did it a few nights ago, denying that F ox News ever said anything about going to jail for bucking the mandate - or even for not paying the fine. ( The reform law expressly prohibits the government from jailing anyone who fails to either obtain health insurance or pay a tax penalty. Check it out .) But Bill said: “We researched on Fox News if anybody had ever said you're going to jail if you don't buy health insurance. Nobody's ever said it.” He researched it! If you

Monster in the PVC

The mind's eye runs rampant (again). Three -Eyed Giant Blue Insectile Found this beastie in a piece of broken PVC, stained by the glue and cleaner. Looks like an alien bug to me. Hey. See " Faces in the Rocks "

Hooray for Graphics!

The Guardian Gives Good Graphics "CA" is China; "JA" Japan, etc. I was palavering with a pal on the huge U.S. Defense budget recently and came up with a pie chart. This is better. If we just took the red part, not covered by other nations' expenditures, and spent it on, say, education, we'd be the best educated country in the world (again). Graphic 1 credit

Always Blame the Other Guy

He Who Screams Loudest A competitor walks into your store and pees on the floor. Then he immediately screams, "There's pee on your floor! You people are filthy! This store is a scumbag place! I'm calling the Board of Health!" That is precisely the tactic being used by Republicans like Eric Cantor who are trying to blame the crazed verbal and physical violence from right wingnuts on the Democrats. Or the national debt on everyone but George W. Fee Fi Fo Fum; I smell the stink of hypocrisy-dumb. Or is that a wafting draft of Big Lie propaganda technique? pix credit

The Climate Change Denial Industry

... And Who's Paying for It Koch Industries , that's who. Guess who blew the whistle? Good old Greenpeace! Whatever you think of their war on whalers (I love it), you've got to admire their courage. Greenpeace's latest attack is on one of the most powerful, secretive, and rich companies in the world. In an admirable piece of investigative work , they have documented who pays the (huge) tab on denying climate change. And guess what, they are oil men! Surprise! Here are the boys running Koch Industries: Koch is a huge, privately-owned company that has nearly a hundred billion a year in revenue. Since it's a private company, they can keep a very low profile. And under that low profile, they outspend Exxon Mobile by three-to-one trying to debunk the truth of climate change. (And you thought Exxon was the bad guy.) So if you ever wonder how such loony-tunes stuff keeps popping up from climate change denialists , it's because these guys are pump