PrezElect Trump's BackAssward Infrastructure Idea

Teeth Grinding Disappointment Oh, I'm steamed. (Putting "Ass" in a title is the clue.) As ye faithful readers know, Olde SeniorJunior is a fervent advocate of Fixing/Improving our tattered infrastructure. I ranted on the subject here , here , here , here & here . All fine rants, if I do say so myself. So when our aspiring God-Emperor Leto Trump said he plans a Trillion Dollar Infrastructure Project, Trust Me... * ...I actually had a moment of optimism. Foolish fool, you were fooled again. Briefly. Now it's all coming clear. Trump's "plan" is actually a huge giveaway to his corporate buddies, that will most likely NOT fix what needs fixing, open new projects, create new jobs, or pretty much anything else except let the rich get richer. All the rest of us will be paying Trump's buddies in tolls, higher fees for water and sewage treatment, more expensive Internet, more and bigger pipelines...and all the other benefits of "priv...