

Amid cheers from insurance companies (and their stockholders) at this being a no- hurricane hurricane season, we U.S.-ers have hardly noticed that the big storms seem to have moved to the Pacific. I’m sure you caught the horrific news of the “supertyphoon” that hit the Philippines and buried many villages and villagers in mud on Thursday. Here’s an excerpt from Durian brought 249 kilometers an hour (155 miles an hour) winds and heavy rain that caused floods and mudslides in southeast Luzon, the nation's main island. It is the ninth tropical storm and typhoon to make landfall this year in the Philippines. The rainfall reached 466 millimeters, the country's largest since 1967, and exceeded the monthly amount in Albay, one of the provinces hardest hit, a government official said. ``The storm poured in one day an amount of rain that's greatly more than what that area gets in a month,'' Renato Solidum, director at the

Swimming Back to the Surface

Well, one thing's for sure. Blogging is not for sissies... or procrastinators. Look how long it's been since my last posting. Shame, shame. I received this from a friend: Checked your blog today. How disappointing -- nothing written about the Dem's election sweep. Where's that "I told ya so & the GOP deserves it's whipping" article? Now something like that will get you off your duff. Fact is, nearly all the Republicans I know pretty much agree with that, so where's the fun? Here's my one substantive thought on the new Congress. BE TOUGH ON THEM. THEY'RE OUR FOLKS, SO EXPECT A LOT AND HOLD THEM TO THE HIGHEST EXPECTATIONS. Speaker Pelosi's "first hundred hours" sounds good, but there is so much more to do. First among that is to try to repair the foreign policy catastrophe the no-oversight-gang allowed the W administration to create. Initiate REAL election reform. Clean out the locust hordes of lobbyists. Put the screws to the

Punched My Conservative Button

Imagine you’re a business heavily dependent on your advertising for your success. Then your ad agency goes sour. The copy becomes banal, the art boring, the sales results dismal. So you think, “I better change ad agencies!” Well, if you are in Britain that might be a really unproductive move, all because of a new rule The rule, imposed by the British government in April, could require an advertising agency taking on new business to hire employees who worked on the account at the client's former agency, lawyers say. While the law is intended to protect workers, they add, it threatens to make advertising account shifts prohibitively expensive, or simply counterproductive. Agencies worry that they will be unable to pitch for new business, and they fear that clients won't want to move their accounts. "Clients move from one agency to another to get new people, not to keep the same ones," said Marina Palomba, legal director at the Institute of Practitioners in Adv

Slightly Socialistic

A touch of Latin American Socialism… kinda like Lyndon Johnson’s War on Poverty, if you will, is looking good these days. Brazil has been on a tear to stamp out hunger. The Christian Science Monitor has a progress report in yesterday’s online edition. I like Brazil for several reasons, so much so that I even invest a bit in them as a promising “emerging market.” I like the fact that they have done a lot to utilize ethanol without the kind of huge subsidies we give here in the U.S. I like their growth rate and sensible (for Latin America) business policies. Of course, there’s a lot not to like, but hey… One of the things I don’t like is their poverty level. So here’s the good news (excerpted from the CSM). Brazil is the world's fourth-largest food exporter, but more than 40 million Brazilians - a quarter of the population - lived below the poverty line, prompting President Lula da Silva to vow (in 2003) to stamp out hunger by December 2006. This June, the g

The Non-Coverage Phantom

Journalism is both the Sword of Truth and the Cloak of Invisibility as you might gather I believe based on some of the commentaries below ( News You Didn’t See Much Of , Coverage Suggestion ; etc.). The stories NOT covered constitute the invisibility powers of journalism. Not covered = not real to much of the American public. A reporter named Sarah Phelan of the San Francisco Bay Guardian , an old line, kick-ass “alternative” paper, wrote a very impressive piece called “Censored.” It’s in the current on-line issue. There’s a lot of good stuff in that piece (like how the media obsesses over trivial stories), but the part I like best is her list of the Ten Biggest Stories the Media Ignored. The actual list is developed by Sonoma State U. My favorite of the ten starts with: 2. Halliburton, the US energy company, sold key nuclear reactor components to a private Iranian oil company called Oriental Oil Kish as recently as 2005, using

Re Evolution -- Kinda Embarrassed

Mostly I am extremely proud of the U.S.A. What a country! One has to say that before making any kind of criticism these days, sort of like one must say, “I support the troops” before voicing any kind of disapproval of the war in Iraq. Our great country is the leading nation in science, business, personal freedoms and a whole bunch of other stuff… but for this commentary, especially in science. I was thumbing through the 11 August Science Magazine to see if I’d missed anything, and derned if I hadn’t. There’s an article titled “Public Acceptance of Evolution.” Here’s the bottom line: Of 34 countries surveyed from 2002 to 2005, the U.S.A. is next to last in the percentage of population accepting the concept of evolution of humans as true. Check the bar chart. We are down there between Cyprus and Turkey! The authors conclude: The acceptance of evolution is lower in the United States than in Japan or Europe, largely because of widespread fundamentalism and the politicization of science in

Squashing Another Right Wing Myth

Have you bought into the premise that the recent rash of huge forest fires is all because of those darn environmentalists, suppressing fires, refusing to let the lumber companies clear cut, etc? Certainly the right wing press machine has been all over this, in pursuit of fewer environmental restrictions on logging public lands on behalf of their Big Lumber supporters. Well, guess what? There is now profound scientific evidence that the main cause of the huge upsurge in major forest wildfires is caused by climate change. Warmer temperatures, earlier spring snow melts, cyclical wet seasons alternating with periodic drought and other indicators of climate change are the main causes, NOT those overzealous environmentalists. If you like facts and figures, read the piece in the Aug 15 Science Magazine. And keep in mind that oft-repeated “talking points” from the right frequently have an agenda that ignores science. Or, worse, denigrates science.