The News Keeps Getting More Frightening

Without the Little Guys, The Big Guys Will Crash More Super Scary News You Probably Don’t Know About Let it be noted we humans are “the BIG guys.” The little guys we need to survive are: Insects (tap here )(and here )- for pollination and a lot of other eco-services; tiny plants - for ground cover and the land food chain; plankton for the ocean food chain… And tiniest and maybe most basic: good MICROBES* for digesting our food, fighting off bad microbes plus helping us develop properly. In the “develop properly” category, how about the avoidance of obesity, diabetes, IBS, asthma and general allergies? (plus probably even more.) Check this . The BIG news is about the stunning decline in the tinniest guys, MICROBES ** You need us, and we need you! “Preserving microbial diversity” in Science Magazine reads like the first chapter in an apocalypse novel. Microbes that have co-evolved with humans since long befor...