Bonham Daily Favorite in the New Yorker Magazine

That's My Hometown Paper In !! Talk about a media rush. I'm thumbing through The New Yorker , checking out the cartoons first as always, and ZOWEE! There is a picture of The Bonham Daily Favorite. Holy cats , etc. The Daily Favorite is more to me than my home towner; I was once an employee. I was a "combo announcer" at KFYN, the 250 watt, 1420 kHz, AM daytimer station when it was owned by the Favorite. That was in 1952.* Hey Olde Scooter, recognize me? It's in THIS edition. Jan 28, 2019 THRILLS COME IN THE DARNDEST WAYS. Bonham, Texas has about 10,000 souls now, 7000 in 1952. A growth market! update, UPDATE I was so excited about seeing the picture of the Daily Fav, that I rushed to blog about it. Then I read the piece. It's really an extraordinary, 15 pager by Pulitzer winning biographer Robert A. Caro on his experiences researching his massive The Years of Lyndon Johnson biography, five vol...