Truth is Way More Fun.

Lied to, we are.
                                                                                                             Yoda, Senator from Dagobah            

When you hear SCARY STUFF about Medicare for All, you are hearing propaganda from the for-profit health insurance companies and their plutocratic pals in the Republican Party. 

Look for more reliable sources!

I'm serious!

A new study in The Lancet by a team of Yale epidemiologists finds that Medicare for All would save more than 68,000 lives and $450 billion in cost EVERY YEAR.

The Lancet
Volume 395, Issue 10223, 15–21 February 2020, Pages 524-533

Truth is Breaking Out All Over
There is more and more of this truth telling about single payer. The for-profit health insurance companies have spent and are spending huge sums to keep us repeating their memes, "how are you going to pay for it?" and "socialized medicine!!" Nuts to them. 

The only downside to single payer is the loss of the massive profits and gigantic executive salaries at the insurance companies. The rest of us will save billions, the fear of medical bankruptcy will disappear, entrepreneurs will blast off, millions will actually GET healthcare and the workforce of America will be far healthier. And we will join the other advanced civilizations on the planet in doing what's best for their citizens.

When in doubt, go for the FACTS.  (Sometimes, they are really hard to find.)


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