Hidden (so far) Catastrophes

Lost Your Job?
Lost Your Job-supplied Health Insurance?
Caught Covid-19, and Had To Be Hospitalized?
Seen the bill yet?
How Bad Could It Be?

I'm bad. Really Bad.
That smarts. 

Granted, this fellow in Seattle had CV-19 about as bad as you can have it and not die. (Had he died, his family would still get the bill.) This bill made the news*, but how many (almost all) of the other huge bills haven't made the news - yet.

The Cares Act will help to cover hospital losses, but for the life of me I can't find the part where it will cover your losses if you've lost your insurance. 

It's a looming "second wave" after hospitalization, and 20+ million people lost their employee health insurance when they lost their jobs. When on top of that you lose your health and a ton of money, what's going to happen to you and yours?

Why aren't our favorite news sources covering these looming financial catastrophes?

Just asking.

*Seattle Times story 


Unknown said…
First, this appears to have come from the "Seattle Times" -- and so at least one favorite news source is covering it. Second, most half-hour TV newscasts get 22 minutes of air time to report all the news of the day. Third, most newspaper staffs either have disappeared entirely or are 1/4 the size they were 10 years ago. And fourth, as long as the All-Attention-All-the-Time Alchemy continues among Trump, COMMANDER COVID, 130,000-plus-plus-plus dead Americans, little kids in schools, big kids on football fields, people with masks, people without masks, cra-cra-cra-zy pronouncements both Left and Right, a schizophrenic Wall Street, and "Black Lives Matter" painted in bright yellow block letters on streets across the country, then hard investigative reporting into the arcane accounting world of hospitals is going to lag. Dog bites man is not news; man bites dog is always news.
Hey, Unk! Good comment. The demise of newspapers is as frightening as the decline of the water tables in our aquifers, both life-threatening problems. Remember the slogan of the Group W all-news radios stations? "Give us 22 minutes, and we'll give you the world."

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