May The Force Be With Us...

...WORKforce, That Is


The American workforce is our mightiest infrastructure element!  Whether a member thereof is a nurse, a truck driver, a Python coder, an agriculture stoop laborer, a cop, a teacher.... on and on... they are part of the vast human asset we call The Workforce.  

For top productivity, inventiveness, diligence at work, i.e. world competitiveness, our Workforce should be a great one: Healthy, educated, motivated, confident, honest, dedicated, and patriotic. It has high morale. It works hard and is productive.  It is creative and great at solving problems. It works together effectively as teams, large and small, and as individuals.

Show me a national workforce that meets those definitions, and I will show you a nation enjoying success, progress, and prosperity.

Now look at the American workforce. Some of it fits that "great" definition; much does not.

Truth is, it MUST to be great enough for the huge competition facing us with China. We can compete with China or go to war with China.  We can lead the world's democracies, or we can be the weird rich uncle of them.

Any sane human ... Oh never mind.

[I've been beating this drum for a while. Do a search on this blog for "workforce" and see. Seems only good common sense to me, but GCS has been falling out of favor lately with some.]


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