How Crazy Can It Get?

The Russians Gotta Love This 
The press is all over this, but maybe you haven't  gotten into it, because stuff like this makes you crazy.

If you haven't experienced crazy lately, you should read up on this.
[Click on some of the better pieces: Vox, Washington Post, NPR, Media Matters]

Just "Q"


Not since the Jonestown 900 has there been a more credulous, hypnotized crowd of human beans than the QAnon crowd.

See how stupid this conspiracy theory is, and stroke you chin and say "I would never fall for something so outrageously stoopid." 


"People Prefer Lies" might not be true, but it aint' no lie.  If the lie is something you want to be true, especially.

And conspiracy theories tap into something evolution wrote into our gene code.

Now, THROW IN THE RUSSIANS !! BOOM, BOOM, BOOM, the artillery of Big Lie Repitition lands on your brain terrain, and the switch might get flipped, and you are ready to drink the KoolAid.

People who believe such obvious crappola are experiencing something like hypnotism.  This is not a good way to have an "informed electorate."


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