Will Tariffs Affect Your Shopping Bills?
For Sure When You Shop Walmart,
Harbor Freight...
...and many, MANY more retail stores.
And stuff on AMAZON... Whoo Boy!
I'm the 80%-er. |
Piker. I'm the 92%-er. |
Approximately 80% of Walmart’s suppliers are still located in China, we’ll let the facts speak for themselves.
Approximately 92% of all products sold at Harbor Freight are made in China. *
China Makes 50% Of All Your Stuff: Popular Science
The price rises will sneak up on you. "Where is all our money going?" will be a frequently asked question among us of the non-rich tribe. (The Richie Rich Tribe won't notice.) The long term impact on the overall American economy is uncertain; certainly the "experts" are.
To quote President Trump: "We'll see. We'll see."
Speaking of politics, Politico has this:
Trump’s trade wars start biting GOP ahead of midterms
Who knows? Not me, for sure.
*Estimate made after extensive Googling - and an hour in Harbor Freight - by Olde Scooter