Senator Tom Cotton - Mr. "Necessary Evil"

Senator Tom Cotton of Arkansas:
"The founders said 'Slavery was the necessary evil' upon which the union was built.” 

                                          Campaign Pix                             Senatorial Pix    
                                                       This Senate work is exhausting.

Senator Cotton, in an interview he gave to the Arkansas Democratic-Gazette, in which he criticized the New York Times’ proposed school curriculum linked to its 1619 Project that would reframe the national historical narrative to highlight slavery in U.S. history lessons. He tweeted the quotes were "fake news."

Ex-Governor Deval Patrick of Massachusetts
"The idea that slavery was a necessary part of America’s founding implies that for some to flourish in our country others must be hurt."

                                          Campaign Pix                             Gubernatorial Pix    
Feeling better these days.

Deval Patrick:  "The notion that evil is sometimes necessary for prosperity is not a relic of history or limited to academic debates. In America, business executives accept cutting jobs as a “necessary evil” for improving a company’s quarterly earnings (read: “stock price”). Many accept climate change as a “necessary evil” for keeping the lights on. Municipal leaders and parents alike accept resegregation as a “necessary evil” for neighborhood schools. Policymakers accept warehousing lawbreakers, especially if poor and Black, as a “necessary evil” to reducing crime — and easy access to military weapons as a “necessary evil” for protecting gun rights. The idea that slavery was a necessary part of America’s founding implies that for some to flourish in our country others must be hurt."   [Full column]

Tom Cotton was a helluva soldier.  IMHO, he's been a hellish Senator.  This is just one example.


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