Define A Project Simply To Get It Done



Solving the looming fresh water shortage*


Taking a big step in “Adaptation” to the climate crisis

This new WPA will be limited to a very tightly defined mission. (Good for focus and bad for distractions.**) [Much like the Apollo Project was tightly defined as “landing men on the moon.” Period.]

The Mission:  Solve the Fresh Water Problem in the USA

The direct benefits are huge. (“Game Changer” is an understatement.)

It will address a severe problem pending for people of all economic, political and cultural stripes. It has the potential to be supported by even diametrically opposed subsets of the population.

The offshoot benefits are unpredictable but, based on history, will be extraordinary. (It will turn on the creative spigot like the Apollo Project did.)

Click one version of this gigantic project:

No More Floods; No More Droughts

*How bad is the water crisis?

**Mission Economy: A Moonshot Guide to Changing Capitalism Mariana Mazzucato Allen Lane (2021)


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