
Want to Get Out of the House?

Lots of Great, Modest Salary Jobs ..with LOTS of overtime I seriously  need a   raise. Be a Respiratory Therapist! * AND you can move to New York City!!  With 30- to-40,000 ventilators to operate, they are definitely hiring. Some OJT provided. Good luck on affording an apartment on $60K.   You'll need a bunch of roommates.  Oh, wait.... *Bureau Labor Statistics

Back to Work... UPDATED, UPDATED

GET AMERICA BACK TO WORK SAFELY Do THIS and beat Covid-19 UPDATE #2 --- 3.31.2020; 3PM MST YESSS!  The #3 below, "Test Everybody" with the ANTIBODY test is looking more and more possible. U.S. companies, labs rush to produce blood test for coronavirus immunity Full Reuters Story So now, this plan looks more and more practical. Super Strategy UPDATED 1. COMPLETELY EQUIP ALL HEALTHCARE WORKERS  2.  BUILD OUT OUR HOSPITAL CAPACITY 3. TEST EVERYBODY.  I ’ M TALKING EVERYBODY .. . WITH THE ANTIBODY TEST 4. PUT THE SURVIVORS WITH IMMUNITY BACK TO WORK (AND ASK THEM FOR ANTIBODY BLOOD) AND GIVE THEM A BADGE! A. Massive “Test everybody” with antibody tests .  Only the antibody test can prove you had it, got well and have the immunity. (The President would use the Defense Production Act to command the production of 350 million antibody test kits, set up big automated testing labs, etc.)* B. Give a “badge” to everyone who had ...

So cheer up, fellow oldies!

YOUR LIFE STORY (If you go on a ventilator) * (...and if you’re a man,) (...and if your problem is something other than coronavirus,) (...and it’s data from 1993,) (...and coronavirus may be worse than your average acute respiratory failure bug,) (...and ventilators are better today than in '93.) But HEY, it’s better than no info at all!  Buckle up, this ride is about to begin. You are super critical (very low blood oxygen levels, pressurized oxygen not working) so… You get intubated with a high-tech ventilator , mechanically assisted breathing. You have a 62% chance of living long enough to have the tube removed and be “weaned” from the ventilator. [38% chance of dying, pre-weaning] If you lived, you now have a 46%  chance of living until they release you from ICU into the general hospital population. If you made it through that , things are looking up. You have a 43% chance of living until you are discharged. THEN you h...

The Humans Are Acting Different.

Notes from hummingbird 'scout,' early-arriving report back to the Hummer Families in Central America [Spring Equinox + 10] Report:  -Some Hard Flowers have bloomed, and some Endless Nectar is flowing.               -Very few soft flowers are open.                -Here are the coordinates for the Hards:                       ^^/{**, >>/[xx              -Giant, slow-moving "humans" are behaving differently.   Analysis unfinished.                               Respectfully,                               Early Scout #4628667

One Lede Trump is Burying

"What can we slip by the public during this covid crap ?"                                                                                         DJ Trump to Wilber the aged, Andrew the coal                                                                                         lobbyist, and Eric the big game hunter. "Would anybody notice if we SUSPENDED ALL ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTIONS?!?" Wilber/Andrew/Eric: "Nah..." "Our big donors would notice and send bigger checks! Tremendous checks! Checks like no one has ever seen before!  DO IT." The...

The Only Best Path.

TEST EVERYBODY! Only then  can we make informed, precision decisions, and beat this beast back into its cage. ... Just saying. GO GOVERNOR MICHELLE LUJAN-GRISHOM!!

Now For Something Entirely Different

Meditation When fall comes, and a window usually left open is closed, there is a space between the window and the screen.  The spider who lives in the space, up in the corner, out of sight, lives off the flies coming through the open window. As fall comes, and flies don’t, the spider slowly starves. She does all her duties, grooms her web, but still starves. What can she think as she fades into a body as thin and fragile as her web?   Where are the damn flies? Spider credit

Following the Israelites* on C-19

TESTIFYIN' This is a “testimonial” to an over-the-counter health product. I am not claiming it cures or prevents anything, just that it seems to have helped me and several folks I know well contract lighter cases of - or miss altogether - viral ailments we were exposed to. It’s called “Sambucol,” and it’s from Israel. There are new clones, one called “Sambucus,” and there are other sources of the natural source, black elderberries. I only speak from experience actually using Sambu col. Here’s my theory and it’s JUST A THEORY:  Might wife Dorothy and I actually have caught Covid-19 on our Costa Rica* trip? We survived, and we ain't young. All the symptoms were as advertised. We had low fever, aches, dry coughs going into wet coughs that lasted for three-plus weeks - mine is just improving. Of course we can’t know it was Covid-19 for sure since  neither of us could get a test . Thanks, Trump. Our respective docs told us it was some other lu...

Sci-Fi Guys Prophetize!*

A Bit from the Sci-Fi novel I'm grinding on It's about another kind of Pandemic, caused by another kind of vermin, but it sounds so very prophetic. I love it when I sound prophetic. Economic indicators started wobbling radically. Market crash outpaced market crash across economies and time zones. Personal fortunes disappeared, retirement trusts vanished, deals collapsed by the tens of thousands. Communication was a shambles, contributing to the panic that spread on rumor and unverifiable “news” gushing through social media. The next paragraph hasn't shown up so much in real life yet, but I fear it's prophetic too . Financial vultures, capital carnivores and other currency carrion eaters swooped in to buy irrationally depressed stocks and real estate. The tentative title of the new book is Lucas 2.0 , What Would Superintelligence really do? I'm hoping it will be out before September. (If civilization is still functioning, of course.) *...

Bernie or Bust = Four More Trumpyears

Hard Core Bernie Sanders Fans   Hold Our Nation's Fate in Their Hands. Some #BernieorBust or #NeverBiden folks say they will not vote for Biden if he wins the nomination. While it’s nearly impossible to know how large the group is, hundreds of people have shared this sentiment, including progressive political candidates. It may be impossible to quantify their number, but not their influence. Those Democrats who will not yield to a moderate and vote for Biden if he wins the nomination are the same group who are sometimes blamed for Donald Trump’s victory in 2016 when disappointed Sanders fans sat out the general election.* ...OR.. . ??? "BERNIE BROS" are not famous for their good taste and polite temperaments. (thus the lowbrow graphic), but since I agree with them that Bernie has the truly progressive position on issues, I assume they are actually pretty smart. So COME ON, smart guys, get your heads around pushing Bernie'...

I Invented a New Word!

It's Not Easy...  Coming up with a word that doesn't already exist, but sounds like a real word. PSYBERTOLOGY and, of course PSYBERTOLOGIST The very word makes me cringe!!! Well, I did it!  It's in the book I'm just finishing. Tentative Title: What Would SUPERINTELLIGENCE Actually Do? or perhaps What SUPERINTELLIGENCE Would Actually Do Here is its first use:           “It just winked at me,” said Shandry.   “You sure?” asked Dr. Lulu McNair, psybertologist. Then it is defined here: Lulu McNair : Degree from the University of Texas in Comparative Languages. PhD in psychology, PhD in AI, simultaneously at University College of London. Wrote  influential book Psybertology , on the scary pitfalls and hidden advantages in anthropomorphizing AGI* . Coined the term psybertology. Awarded MacArthur Prize. Became professor at MIT and consultant to CIA. Single, never married, bisexual, low key triathlete. Met Shan...

Truth is Way More Fun.

Lied to, we are.                                                                                                              Yoda, Senator from Dagobah             When you hear SCARY STUFF about Medicare for All, you are hearing propaganda from the for-profit health insurance companies and their plutocratic pals in the Republican Party.  Look for more reliable sources! I'm serious! A new study in The Lancet by a team of Yale epidemiologists finds that Medicare for All would save more than 68,000 lives and $450 billion in cost EVERY YEAR. Volume 395, Issue 10223 , 15–21 February 2020, Pages 524-533 Truth is...