
A Certain Irony

So "Conservatives" Don't like a Pandemic Shutdown. Give me liberty, and some of us death! Neither do Bangladeshi Muslims. Never miss an important funeral! There is a powerful strain of the same - what? - disregard for the truth in health warnings?  Maybe it's a guy thing  (OK, there a a few women in the Austin demonstration, but mostly guys.) There are even old guys in both groups. BOFs; Brave Olde Farts. We know various Republican and Trumpster groups organized the U.S. anti-lockdown "spontaneous" rallies. Paid for by the likes of Betsy DeVos.  Not sure if anybody organized the Bangladeshis. Maybe the white cap manufacturers. Not sure why this strike me as ironical.

Opening Up Which America?

We don't need to Go Back to Normal We need to Go Back to Better   "Better" would mean:      Everybody who works full time will make a LIVING WAGE              A "living wage" means enough to COVER THE BASICS              "The basics" means THE NECESSITIES and a bit left over. "The necessities" means food, shelter, healthcare, education,  sick leave, child care, paid vacation, retirement contribution.              " A bit left over " means something to save, invest, give away, contribute, blow. Whoa!! The richest nation in the world can definitely afford  to assure it's workforce makes a living wage. We have to decide if that's what we want to do. The cost could be a reduction in profits for private companies and increase in costs of  non-profits.  The benefits could be a far healthier and ...

Searching for Good News

A Ray of Hope in  A VERY credible source. This line caught my eye: " ... p otential utility as an effective antiviral against SARS-CoV-2" You can call me Novel Every week I read Science Magazine cover-to-cover.  It's one of the 'gold standard' journals.  The world's scientific research output is prodigious.  I find hope in that.     Put on your science specs and plow through this bit of promising research.  Abstract  Coronaviruses (CoVs) traffic frequently between species resulting in novel disease outbreaks, most recently exemplified by the newly emerged SARS-CoV-2, the causative agent of COVID-19. Herein, we show that the ribonucleoside analog β-D-N 4 -hydroxycytidine (NHC, EIDD-1931) has broad spectrum antiviral activity against SARS-CoV-2, MERS-CoV, SARS-CoV, and related zoonotic group 2b or 2c Bat-CoVs, as well as increased potency against a coronavirus bearing resistance mutations to the nucleoside analo...


Salvation of the Economy UP & RUNNING (Experimentally, of course) one small, rich, Colorado town. Telluride The Original Big, Simple, Winning Plan (Click to read) 1. Give EVERYBODY the antibody test for Covid-19. 2. Quarantine all positives. 3. Do comprehensive contact tracing. Quarantine all contacts. 4. Drop all social distancing for those with the "well and immune" antibody load. I.e. kickstart the economy back into life. ) A wise decision by a government entity? Nah... Its tests are being donated by Mei Mei Hu and Lou Reese, a married couple who live part of the year in the county seat of Telluride and are executives at United Biomedical, a biotech company that developed the test. Full article in Medium-Elemental I'd say this is THE plan! Scott Gottlieb, MD, former Food and Drug Administration commissioner under President Trump, and Ezekiel Emanuel, MD, PhD, one of the architects of the Affordable Care Act und...

You Think You've Got It Rough...

Luxury Apartments.  Nice Balconies. Shelter in Place. NO JUMPING! Hang gliding would be OK.

Want to Get Out of the House?

Lots of Great, Modest Salary Jobs ..with LOTS of overtime I seriously  need a   raise. Be a Respiratory Therapist! * AND you can move to New York City!!  With 30- to-40,000 ventilators to operate, they are definitely hiring. Some OJT provided. Good luck on affording an apartment on $60K.   You'll need a bunch of roommates.  Oh, wait.... *Bureau Labor Statistics

Back to Work... UPDATED, UPDATED

GET AMERICA BACK TO WORK SAFELY Do THIS and beat Covid-19 UPDATE #2 --- 3.31.2020; 3PM MST YESSS!  The #3 below, "Test Everybody" with the ANTIBODY test is looking more and more possible. U.S. companies, labs rush to produce blood test for coronavirus immunity Full Reuters Story So now, this plan looks more and more practical. Super Strategy UPDATED 1. COMPLETELY EQUIP ALL HEALTHCARE WORKERS  2.  BUILD OUT OUR HOSPITAL CAPACITY 3. TEST EVERYBODY.  I ’ M TALKING EVERYBODY .. . WITH THE ANTIBODY TEST 4. PUT THE SURVIVORS WITH IMMUNITY BACK TO WORK (AND ASK THEM FOR ANTIBODY BLOOD) AND GIVE THEM A BADGE! A. Massive “Test everybody” with antibody tests .  Only the antibody test can prove you had it, got well and have the immunity. (The President would use the Defense Production Act to command the production of 350 million antibody test kits, set up big automated testing labs, etc.)* B. Give a “badge” to everyone who had ...

So cheer up, fellow oldies!

YOUR LIFE STORY (If you go on a ventilator) * (...and if you’re a man,) (...and if your problem is something other than coronavirus,) (...and it’s data from 1993,) (...and coronavirus may be worse than your average acute respiratory failure bug,) (...and ventilators are better today than in '93.) But HEY, it’s better than no info at all!  Buckle up, this ride is about to begin. You are super critical (very low blood oxygen levels, pressurized oxygen not working) so… You get intubated with a high-tech ventilator , mechanically assisted breathing. You have a 62% chance of living long enough to have the tube removed and be “weaned” from the ventilator. [38% chance of dying, pre-weaning] If you lived, you now have a 46%  chance of living until they release you from ICU into the general hospital population. If you made it through that , things are looking up. You have a 43% chance of living until you are discharged. THEN you h...

The Humans Are Acting Different.

Notes from hummingbird 'scout,' early-arriving report back to the Hummer Families in Central America [Spring Equinox + 10] Report:  -Some Hard Flowers have bloomed, and some Endless Nectar is flowing.               -Very few soft flowers are open.                -Here are the coordinates for the Hards:                       ^^/{**, >>/[xx              -Giant, slow-moving "humans" are behaving differently.   Analysis unfinished.                               Respectfully,                               Early Scout #4628667

One Lede Trump is Burying

"What can we slip by the public during this covid crap ?"                                                                                         DJ Trump to Wilber the aged, Andrew the coal                                                                                         lobbyist, and Eric the big game hunter. "Would anybody notice if we SUSPENDED ALL ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTIONS?!?" Wilber/Andrew/Eric: "Nah..." "Our big donors would notice and send bigger checks! Tremendous checks! Checks like no one has ever seen before!  DO IT." The...

The Only Best Path.

TEST EVERYBODY! Only then  can we make informed, precision decisions, and beat this beast back into its cage. ... Just saying. GO GOVERNOR MICHELLE LUJAN-GRISHOM!!

Now For Something Entirely Different

Meditation When fall comes, and a window usually left open is closed, there is a space between the window and the screen.  The spider who lives in the space, up in the corner, out of sight, lives off the flies coming through the open window. As fall comes, and flies don’t, the spider slowly starves. She does all her duties, grooms her web, but still starves. What can she think as she fades into a body as thin and fragile as her web?   Where are the damn flies? Spider credit