Opening Up Which America?

We don't need to Go Back to Normal

We need to Go Back to Better 

"Better" would mean:

     Everybody who works full time will make a LIVING WAGE

             A "living wage" means enough to COVER THE BASICS

             "The basics" means THE NECESSITIES and a bit left over.

"The necessities" means food, shelter, healthcare, education, 
sick leave, child care, paid vacation, retirement contribution.

             "A bit left over" means something to save, invest, give away, contribute, blow.


The richest nation in the world can definitely afford 
to assure it's workforce makes a living wage.

We have to decide if that's what we want to do.

The cost could be a reduction in profits for private companies and increase in costs of  non-profits. 

The benefits could be a far healthier and more productive work force resulting in gains that pay for the expenses. 

Which bet will we take?  Which America would you rather live in, the LIVING WAGE one or the NORMAL one that Covid-19 interrupted? 

To find Better we must change many, many things.

One of a thousand steps:
The McDonald’s Model
(A gentle bit of economics 101)

1. Everybody who works in fast food gets a LIVING WAGE. (See above)
2. McDonalds passes the extra cost thru to customers. Hamburgers go up 60 cents.
    (Burgers go up 60 cents everywhere.)
3. Customers can afford that with their improved income.
4. Healthier, less stressed employees have higher morale, productivity, job loyalty.
5. McDonalds lives up to old slogan, "You deserve a break today."

Or.. to put it another way.

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