AUDIOBOOK MIZ, Time Tripping with Amazing Females

Plot & Reviews HERE Prologue and Thirty-eight Chapters Written, Produced and Read by Olde Scooter Give it a shot HERE . ...All together in sequence, a "playlist" concoction on YouTube. That's an Airedale biting the mic, or light, whatever. Click HERE for the whole enchilada (all 38 chapters of the enchilada - as in "the whole") You can either "Play All" and the book will roll out in proper order, or if you want to listen to a particular chapter, just click it, and it will play through the remaining chapters. (Since the recording is made as a YouTube video, the audiobook part is just the audio track. The visual is a vid place holder. Try to ignore it. I can't help it if I look like an Airedale licking my thumb, I'm a conflagration, dammit! SUPPORT OLD GUY SCI-FI If you know a sci-fi fan or somebody looking for a free audio book, please refer them here, or "share" if it's no trouble. T...