"This could change the entire nature of the Russia investigation"

Mueller just obtained a warrant that could change the entire nature of the Russia investigation

Robert Mueller obtained a search warrant for records of "inauthentic" Facebook accounts

If you are a hard core newsy, or if you follow the Investigations of Robert Mueller, you've no doubt heard about the fake accounts on Facebook and the $250,000 ad buy by by Russians on Facebook.
Now Mueller has a warrant for the specifics inside the phoney accounts. It looks like a new direction for the investigation. In their piece on this news, Business Insider said:

Facebook said in its initial statement that about 25% of the ads purchased by Russians during the election "were geographically targeted," and many analysts have found it difficult to believe that foreign entities would have had the kind of granular knowledge of American politics necessary to target specific demographics and voting precincts.
In a post-election interview, Kushner told Forbes that he had been keenly interested in Facebook's "micro-targeting" capabilities from early on.
“I called somebody who works for one of the technology companies that I work with, and I had them give me a tutorial on how to use Facebook micro-targeting,” Kushner said.
“We brought in Cambridge Analytica," he continued. "I called some of my friends from Silicon Valley who were some of the best digital marketers in the world, a nd I asked them how to scale this stuff . .

Ah ha!  So apparently Mueller thinks Cambridge Analytica - owned by billionaire Robert Mercer and Steven Bannon - provided the data on exactly who these Russian fake-news, anti-Hillary ads were sent to, using this "micro-targeting" Facebook tool. THAT would be colluding.

Stay alert, Citizens


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