Which Democrats Do Republicans Think Will Run for President in 2020?
These Are the "Threats" to Trump in 2020
All the targets of the Pre-Smear Republican strategy
Senators Elizabeth Warren, Bernie Sanders, Sherrod Brown, Kirsten Gillibrand,Amy Klobuchar, Chris Murphy, and Cory Booker, as well as Governor Andrew Cuomo

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The "pre-smear" is digging up fake dirt, exaggerating alleged flaws, making up lies, and spending big money using all that in attack ads, innuendo-laced social media, etc., etc., et-@^$%!-cetera. It's rotten politics at its rottenest.
That's How They Smeared Hillary
They did it in spades on Hillary Clinton. The poor woman was so thoroughly pre-smeared by lies, false accusations, guilt-by-associations, conspiracy nutjob theories and endless mysogynist dog whistles, that she was carrying a high-weight handicap when her race for the Presidency finally happened.
"Worked on Hillary; let's do it on all potential Democratic candidates," said the Republicans in their gilded conference rooms and super yachts.
Now billionaire, Breitbart-owning, Steven Bannon ally ROBERT MERCER
is aiming an extra big bucks smear blast at ELIZABETH WARREN! Big story on this plutocratic piece of poop in Vanity Fair (rapidly becoming one of my fav mags).
Remember MERCER and daughter Rebekah already sent money (barrels) to Ted Cruz (before he faded), Kelli Ward (trying to primary moderate Republican Senator Jeff Flake in Arizona), and dark money, righty PACs galore. They are partners with the Koch brothers in politics.
Now they are doing the pre-smear boogie on Elizabeth Warren.
The pre-smear is an insidious, underhanded, vicious, plutocratic smear on America itself. IMHO.
The lbrainwashing which follow us throughout are lives starts at infancy by well meaning but obdurate parents who follow a path set out for them thousands of years ago. Societies the world over are controlled by a social order which accepted the thoughts of a group who successfully sought power and rule to this day. The truth may set us free, but at the very least we have to hear it before we even think about the chains which bind us and no one pictured above is willing or perhaps able to voice it
I agree with you on pervasive, cradle to grave brainwashing. I tend to believe that "enlightenment" is possible, just one of the hardest states to attain.
In one simplistic stroke, I think we could improve our political process... get rid of Citizens United. It would at least be a start.