The Pure-Insult NASTYBOT [and it's hate child, NASTYBOD] * "What really makes me mad is being called a SNOTBOT. Job Description: Turn American against American, Black against White, Jew against Gentile, Everybody against Muslims, Republicans against Democrats, South against North, Cities against Rural, Texas against California... oh you know. All of us at each others' throats is bad for America, good for Russia (and China, Iran, North Korea and some others.) That's NASTYBOT's job How, you might ask, does this ugly gremlin with bad breath accomplish this? It's liddle twitter brain algorithm looks at tweets and "comments" for something on a big list of "trigger" words and phrases. Then it selects an apropos short response and puts it in the right format and sends it. "Apropos" means: Mean, nasty, insulting, demeaning, dismissive, gross or outrageous . Or several and sometimes all of them. (Never any real s...