You Got That right
Definitely the Best Summary of All the Big Russian Election Interference I've seen so far. (As you may know, I've been off and on preoccupied with the subject . I'm glad it's all coming out. Opinion Yes, Russian Trolls Helped Elect Trump Social media lies have real-world consequences. By Michelle Goldberg Opinion Columnist Dec. 17, 2018 LINK TO FULL STORY It's succinct and well written. More important, best I can see, it's accurate. You know, truthful. New York Times at its best. HERE'S ANOTHER EXCELLENT WRAP UP FROM WIRED MAGAZINE. Good as these are, I remain critical of most of the reporting on these huge new Congressional reports on Rooskie diddling with our national mind for one thing, "comments." Nobody I've seen (tell me if you know of some) is paying attention to the "Comments" sections. I believe it's likely that they are seriously infested with Russians, Chinese, North Kor...