Do Something to Shake It UP Pick a Democrat who will keep the campaign alive, kicking and a little crazy (without really hurting any of the candidates). Pick a Republican who represents the best of what Republicans once were. OK... Even though I thought the old SeniorJunior would not endorse anyone, it looks like I really do. If I look back over the stream of thought in this blog, I can't help but notice that one Democrat seems to be mad at all the people I'm mad at: Big Hedge Funds, Big Chemical, Big Oil, Big Retail, Big Insurance, Big Media, Big Moralists and the Big Lobbyists for all of them. Global Warming Denyers, Poor Consumer Regulation, and all the other flat-earthers go in the list as well. And who, you ask, might this Dem candidate be? Why... JOHN EDWARDS, of course. PIX CREDIT NOTE: I REALLY LIKE THEM ALL, THEM DEMS. I'LL SUPPORT AND WORK FOR WHOEVER WINS. But... Giving Edwards the win in Iowa will shake things up. The populist tone of the election will ...