A Comment Storm 2:11 to 4:06 pm, Thursday June 29, 2017 Another Tom Toles masterpiece in the Washington Post ("Guardian of Amazon's tax practices:" DJT).... Sing a song o’ sick, Pence ... inspired me to write a "comment." I took the opportunity to plug single payer! (Predictable, you say.) duffworx [That's my handle on the Washington Post.] 2:11 PM MDT SINGLE PAYER! Single Payer! Say it again. Finally the moment is here for the U.S. to join the rest of advanced civilizations in pulling the plug (teat?) out of the rapacious for-profit health insurance companies. A healthy workforce is a more effective workforce. People without the fear of medical bankruptcy and inadequate care are more productive, less angry people. The costs of Medicare for All will be less and far more predictable. IT'S TIME! Right, VP Pence? Hello? 6like Jerry B. ...