The Chinese A.I. Leapfrog

That Darn 'Invisible Hand'
Sometimes it scratches the wrong itch.

China has a massive global lead in the absolute number of new factory robots, and is pouring large sums into developing AI.*
Hey, I never said the invisible hand was perfect.
                                              Adam Smith

  • "The position in this country has been to let the market dictate what happens with tech and science, and I think that's going to prove to be a catastrophic mistake," says Amy Webb, a professor at NYU and author of a "The Big Nine," a forthcoming book on the future of AI.

Even as U.S. industry and top universities invest in future technologies, China is vastly outpacing the West in national planning and investments in AI and robotics, experts say.


Olde Scooter's closet of scary Chinese news:

China's Pharma Invasion
It's China More Than Russia
China Becoming World Science Leader?
More Threats from China - SUPERCOMPUTERS!
Watch China Watch the Sky...
Worrying About Chinese Competition
Deep space communications
Electric Cars
Quantum communications
Jet passenger planes
Hypersonic weapons
A.I. & solar power
More hypersonics
More quantum communications


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