A Moment in Hummer Heaven - video

Hummingbirds, a July Evening in the Manzanita Mountains
New Mexico

I started out to shoot video of our feeders when the famously aggressive and territorial rufus hummers, typically guarding "their" feeder ferociously, were mixing with the more peaceful hummers.

I only caught a couple, but believe me, something about the Olde Scooter (and Dorothy) feeders tames the wild beasts, and they integrate into our continuous swarms very peacefully and respectfully. There is nothing so lovable as a reformed bully.

Some of the stars of the video:

   I'm Calliope                                     I'm Broadtail                                          I'm the golden boy, Rufus

Here is two minutes and fourteen seconds of video, narrated by the man who fills the feeders three or four times a day. (Ok, Dorothy does at least half.)

Calliope credit
Broadbill credit
Rufus credit


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